Questa rivista è proprietà di ASTREA ed è sin dalla sua nascita frutto di collaborazione con la University of British Columbia (UBC) di Vancouver, French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies Department; inoltre dal 2015 è anche affiliata al Centro di Ricerca in "Filologia e Medievistica Indo-Mediteranea" (FIMIM) del Dipartimento di Lingue Letterature e Culture Moderne dell'Università di Bologna
RSIM XIII (2023) รจ online
vedi il collegamento al nuovo numero sul lato destro / see link to the new issue on the right side
Il prossimo numero RSIM XIV(2024) sarà online entro febbraio 2025 (deadline per le nuove proposte: ottobre 2024)
“Rivista di Studi Indo-Mediterranei” (RSIM) is an e-journal derived from “Archivi di Studi Indo-Mediterranei” (ASIM), an e-archive devoted to the study of the ancient and vast cultural area which extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean.
Several of the foremost civilizations that developed in this region share many a trait. Economical reasons were not the only defining factor in this long-term proximity: commercial and cultural exchanges, as well as the dynamics of human settlements, also contributed to shaping the core identity of the Mediterranean region throughout the centuries. Both the inland “Silk Road” and the maritime, even windier, “Route of the Spices” fostered contacts between the Mediterranean and the Eurasian regions. In the Koran (sura 18.60 ff.) it is said that Moses travelled to the “confluence of the two seas” (majma‘ al-bahrayn) in the company of the hermetic sage al-Khidr (Eliah). Exegetes have suggested various possible geographical locations, and in particular the Suez Canal, positioned as it is between the two great seas of the pre-modern world. But the phrase is in itself cryptic and seems to point to a No-Place of the soul, to a mysterious meeting point, or border land, between realities and worlds that remain separate, and yet connect. As a matter of fact, Moses’ words (“I will not rest until I reach the point where the two seas meet, no matter how long it takes”) could well be read as a manifesto, almost an agenda, for today’s Western world. Willfully adopting it and courageously carrying it through would more than likely be a beneficial response to the deep-seated crisis of its crumbling ideals and shattered sense of identity.
Our e-journal intends to focus primarily on the period that spans the ancient world to the early modern age, a time frame marked by major developments within the Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Indian civilizations. We will pay particular attention to the mediating role between East and West played by the Iranian, Turkish, Slavic and Byzantine worlds. While we believe in the vital importance of the more traditional fields of “Mediterranean”, “Islamic”, and “East Indian” studies, we intend to highlight the dialogical dimension of the cultural exchange, an aspect too often neglected by these individual disciplines. Along with the literary and religious components, we also intend to explore the artistic and iconographic aspects, here too by paying special attention to the contacts and connections that shaped throughout time a historical and cultural koiné of indomediterranean import.
We wish to involve in our project scholars belonging to either or both sides of the indomediterranean world, that is to say specialists of the literary, religious, artistic, anthropological cultures of the Euro-Mediterranean world as well as of the area that spans Central Asia through to the Indian Ocean. We view this as one and the same vast cultural basin, where our understanding of many, if not most, historical developments needs to be grounded. And this, today more than ever, is becoming a shared conviction.
La Rivista di Studi Indo-Mediterranei, dotata di codice etico basato sulle linee guida del COPE, e liberamente accessibile online sin dalla fondazione, è inclusa nell'elenco delle riviste scientifiche dell'area 10 dell'ANVUR, è registrata nell'elenco ANCE (CINECA-MIUR) con il codice E213139 ed è presente nella banca dati del MLA Directory of periodicals.
Licenza d'uso in Open Access: CC BY-NC-ND (è consentito soltanto scaricare e condividere i lavori originali a condizione che non vengano modificati né utilizzati a scopi commerciali, e in ogni caso sempre attribuendo la paternità dell'opera all'autore e indicando la fonte)
Le proposte di nuovi articoli, redatte secondo le norme editoriali / editorial standards indicate, dovrebbero giungere alla redazione entro il 31 ottobre.
Il prossimo numero di "Rivista di Studi Indo-Mediterranei" XIV (2024) sarà pubblicato entro marzo 2025 / The next issue of "Rivista di Studi Indo-Mediterranei" XIV (2024) is scheduled to appear in march 2025